
Episode 16: Putting Yourself Out of Business with Rick Davis

Have you dreamt of never stepping onto another airplane or never speaking at another conference again? As a professional speaker and founder of Building Leaders, Rick Davis is working to make these dreams a reality!

On this episode of Learning Life, Rick highlights how putting yourself out of business can actually be profitable and rewarding. He discusses the importance of actively engaging your target audience both on stage and online. Are the attendees at your keynotes really there by choice? Are those page views turning into income? Engaging these tentative members of your audience is critical to expanding the pool of learners hungry for your content.

From his experience as a sales trainer in construction products to his tenure as an experienced triathlete, Rick leads Jon through a new five-step approach on how to effectively teach adult learners through multiple mediums and discusses how he is profitably putting himself out of business.


Want to learn more about Rick Davis?

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