
Episode 133: Start Up and Start Here with VCET

David Bradbury Sam Roach-Gerber

This week we have special guests David Bradbury and Sam Roach-Gerber, fellow podcast hosts and President/Vice-President of VCET, the Vermont Center for Emerging Technologies.

VCET offers programs, capital, and business mentoring for Vermont entrepreneurs. Through VCET, David and Sam co-host the Start Here podcast, showcasing business success stories across the state and the Vermont Startup Collective, a community of entrepreneurs to help start conversations and build better businesses together.


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Episode 132: The Principles of Podcasting with Ben Krueger

Ben Krueger Cashflow

Based in Burlington Vermont, Ben Krueger is the founder and CEO of Cashflow Podcasting, where he helps industry advocates reach more people, change more lives and move entire industries forward.

Having collaborated on hundreds of podcasts since 2012, he has developed 8 Podcast Principles that when applied, lead to highly effective business podcasts. Built on these principles, they’ve developed a proven system for leaders to host their own world-class podcast in a fraction of the time. In this episode, Ben and Jon discuss how to make a truly great podcast and engage your audience.

Learn more at

Follow Ben Krueger on Linkedin

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Episode 101 Flashback: James Lawrence Conquers 100 Today

This week we re-wind to congratulates James Lawrence on completing the journey he started 100 days ago: conquering 1 triathlon every day since March 1st. That’s 14,060 miles! Awesome job James!

September 29, 2020: James Lawrence, the Iron Cowboy, joins Jon on the podcast to talk about the transition to remote work, bringing the same passion and energy to virtual conferences, and what determination and hard work look like.

Since he’s last been on the show, Lawrence has starred in TWO Amazon Prime Originals: Iron Cowboy | The Story of the 50-50-50 and World’s Toughest Race: Eco-Challenge Fiji (adventure racing from the creator of Survivor!). 

Follow James Lawrence on Instagram @ironcowboyjames

Learn more at

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Episode 131: Going Local to Make an Impact with Dan White

Dan White Localvore

“For Localvore, we’re a technology company that focuses on really connecting local consumers and regional consumers to businesses that are creating a more sustainable agricultural economy sourcing locally and making an impact.”

Dan White knows what it means to go local. He likes to think of Localvore as the “Patagonia of tech,” dedicated to sustainable practice and reinvestment in community. What better way to do that then with food? And where better than Burlington Vermont?

White chose Burlington to start Localvore because of Vermont’s similarly aligned values and farm-to-table agricultural focus. Localvore and it’s mobile app, the Localvore passport, connect community members to eateries, including the hungry with its Everyone Eats program. The ultimate goal is to create a great, sustainable, local food scene in every city.

Visit Localvore and Localvore Passport to learn more.

Connect with Dan on Linkedin.

And follow Localvore on Instagram.

Check out this episode!